LEADERSHIP COACHING: Time to Recalibrate!
The Coffee Bean (Gordon, West, 2019) is a simple reminder of how we can bring about positive changes in our personal and professional lives when we focus on our inner selves.
The challenges that educators face on a daily basis can seem daunting. The work is demanding and there are days that it can make us question, create doubt, change the core of who we are, and turn us into someone we no longer recognize. We are all vulnerable. The emotional toll of this job can cause us to lose our way.
The coffee bean story can help us reframe our thinking and recalibrate our why, our work, our values, and ourselves. By considering its lessons, we can bring a better version of ourselves to our family, our students, our colleagues, and our community.
The story asks the following question: What happens when we put a carrot, an egg, and a coffee bean in a boiling pot of water? The carrot softens and weakens. The egg hardens. But the coffee bean? It transforms the water into coffee. Both the carrot and the egg are impacted by the environment and the conditions they face. However, when the coffee bean faces the same conditions, over time, it transforms the environment and its conditions to create coffee.
The trials and tribulations you are currently facing in your life are like the pot of boiling water; challenging, burdensome, and stressful. How we as educators respond to this adversity will determine our morale and the culture and climate in which we work and serve.
Our profession has been shaken to its core in the last few years. My latest book, Recalibrate the Culture, was written to support you, and more importantly, to assist all teachers, principals, and district office administrators in exploring their inner selves to understand the role we each play in terms of impacting the climate and culture of an entire campus when we are strategic and aligned in our practices. The classroom, building, and district levels must see themselves as one and must be intentional in replicating the processes, protocols, and frameworks provided in this book to recalibrate and bring about system-wide change and cultivate a healthier culture.
I believe that by equipping our teachers and leaders with a new way of thinking and, more importantly, with strategies for approaching their work more intentionally and effectively, we can revitalize our schools and make an immediate positive impact on the culture of every classroom and school across the country.
It is time! Time to Recalibrate!
Reference: The Coffee Bean, Gordon, and West, YouTube, May 10, 2020. The Advantage.
Coffee Bean Lessons
The power inside you is greater than the forces outside you.
You always have the power in any condition to transform the environment you are in.
Practice focusing on what you can control and not worrying about what you cannot control.
Don’t try to change the world from the outside in.
Start with yourself and transform how you think and act to change the world from the inside out.
Click on this link to view the video.
I am thrilled to announce the release of my latest book, Recalibrate the Culture: Our Work, Our Why, Our Values.
Check out what Clint Pulver, author of the best-selling book, I Love It Here, had to say about the book.
Want to purchase a copy of the book? Click on this link. Interested in doing a book study with your team or staff? Contact us for large discounts on bulk order purchases of 10 or more copies at info@connecteddpublishing.com