Leadership Coaching: 121

The story goes that in 1912 Jim Thorpe, a native American from Oklahoma, was representing the U.S in track & field at the Olympics. On the morning of his competitions, his shoes went missing. He ended up finding one shoe in a garbage can and someone else gave him another. That’s the pair he is wearing in the photo. But one of the shoes was too big, so he had to wear extra socks to make them fit. Wearing these shoes, Jim Thorpe went on to win two gold medals. 
Credit: Bob Wheeler, Founder of Jim Thorpe Foundation 1979.

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Many of us are struggling right now, trying to understand all that has happened in the past couple of months. It would be easy to think of a hundred excuses why we are holding back, to place blame, to be scared, or maybe even be angry. I don’t begrudge anyone who is feeling this way. In fact, it is okay to have such feelings and in some ways, it may give us a release from it all. However, life throws us curve balls and this one just happened to come with a vicious sinker as well. But I ask you, "Now what?" Whatever you are dealing with; stolen shoes, lost income, postponed vacation, or isolation, don’t let it stop you from running your race. I know this. We will all have more experiences and more challenges, but we cannot allow these times to define how we live our excellence.
So today, I’ve decided to step back into the batter’s box. I may be down in the count 0-2, but I know another slider is coming at me, so I just need to believe I can put the ball in play.  And I know when I believe it, my chances of making something good from believing so, can happen.
It’s my choice.
So I’m swinging away.
Today, I am launching my weekly newsletter (Sundays at 6 p.m. CST), Leadership Coaching: 121, by J Casas and Associates. For those of you who don’t know, I left the principal role three years ago after having served in that position for twenty-two years, to launch my own company. Since then, I have focused my passion, energy, and skills on trying to support a profession I love dearly and to support educators in their quest to be great.
Twelve years into the job as a school leader, I found myself on the edge of the couch ready to walk away from it all. I was exhausted, frustrated and questioning whether it was all worth it and whether or not I could still make a difference.  Simply put, I had lost my way. If you’ve ever found yourself in a similar position in your personal or professional life, then you know exactly what I am talking about.
My aim is to support my fellow educators so they never have to experience that feeling of loneliness and failure like I did. I want you to feel invigorated, energized, and more importantly, believe that you can still make a positive difference in the lives of the students, staff and communities you serve.
Each week, I will share out 1 Reflection, 2 Ideas, and 1 Resource for you to consider that I hope will support and inspire you in your daily work. My hope is that if I present the information in an effective way, that I can influence your thinking so you will eventually change your thinking and more importantly, your own behavior. Hence, why I don’t consider myself a consultant. My intentions are not to tell you what to do. That would be disingenuous since I don't know you or your school, your culture or your community. I’m a coach and my mission is to support you and others in developing your skills and shifting your thinking so you will invest in your own development and maybe, just maybe, I can inspire you to want to live your excellence so you can bring your best self to school every day!
Thank you for investing in me and I look forward to running this race with you.
Live your excellence…



It only takes one person to relate to your story. Honor your impact. Everyone, including you, has something positive to contribute that others will find value in.

Take a look at your camera roll on your phone and find a picture that moves you to the point that you wish you were right back there in that very moment. Look at it closely? Imagine yourself there. Feel it? Now tell me – why did you choose that picture?  Why is it so significant to you that you selected it? Tell the story in detail.
Relate that story to the work you do every day in school. How is it similar? What are the parallels? Can you see a connection? Can you make an analogy? Why is this important?
Now, share an example or two how it connects? What examples can you give that show how you make that connection. What lessons can be derived from it? Can you give a step-by step example? Can you create a list of other examples that relate to yours?
Do you know what you call this? A blogpost.
Every day in schools across the country, students are expected to be able to demonstrate their writing skills, but for many of us, it has been years since we actually had to formally write ourselves. I wonder if we wouldn’t be more inclined to give kids a pass, empathize more, or even re-evaluate assignments where students are asked to write if we could remember how it makes us feel when we are pressured to write. For me, it’s agonizing. Personally, I have been working on this post for five hours and I am still struggling. But every time I write, it serves as a reminder of how many of our students may be having this same feeling in school and I don’t ever want to forget that feeling. I think it makes me understand kids better when they struggle.
So my challenge to you?  Write with your students. Contribute to a newsletter. Write a blog post. Heck, maybe there is even a book in you. You are talented, skilled, and have something to contribute to the world through your voice and written words.


What did you say? You are not confident in your writing skills?  Join the club. I would recommend following this advice from my good friend George Couros – write like you talk! Best advice he ever gave me and look at me now trying to show off. If anything, this should give you some confidence. Seriously, why are you still reading this? You can hear more about my writing journey here.
Still not feeling it? That is okay? Maybe you are still on deck. What about videotaping yourself sharing out some of your own reflections or ideas?  If you are more comfortable talking than you are writing, this is a great alternative. Regardless of what path you choose you will choose the right one.  Just pick one and show the world your greatness! We need it more now than ever. 

What are you waiting for? Step into that batter’s box and swing away!

4 Essential Elements to Writing a Great Blog Post by Jeff Goins

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